The College has just announced a new SIFP committee to represent family physicians from across Canada who have a special interest or a focused practice in Dermatology.
Dr. Crippen is honoured to be the representative for British Columbia and Alberta on this new committee. Dr. Crippen will be working closely with his colleagues to help improve communication and educational activities with physicians across the country who have chosen to have a special interest or focus in Dermatology.
The following physicians are the current program committee members:
Dr. Chrisite Freeman, Chair (Peterborough, ON)
Dr. Trina Stewart, Atlantic Representative (Summerside, PEI)
Dr. Hanna Nicolas, Québec Representative (Laval, QC)
Dr. Darshini Persaude, ON Representative (Pickering, ON)
Dr. Rohan Cornelissen, SK/MB Representative (Prince Albert, SK)
[acf field=”doctor_name” post_id=”options”], BC/AB Representative (Kelowna, BC)
Dr. Victor Ng, SIFP Associate Director, CFPC
The mandate of this committee is:
(i) To represent the interests of all CFPC members providing (given area of care), including those for whom this is part of their broad scope family practice and those with a special interest or focused practice,
(ii) To ensure discussion and communication within the CFPC and its Section of Family Physicians with Special Interests or Focused Practices of the issues relevant to these members, and
(iii) To advocate for the highest quality of medical care provided by family physicians in (the given area of care).
Responsibilities of this committee are:
1. To carry out discussions and make recommendations to the SIFP Council with respect to the following areas of CFPC activity:
(i) Communications and networking among members involved in (given area of care)
(ii) Development of CFPC policies and/or positions related to patient care and the practice needs/environment of members involved in (given area of care)
(iii) Advocacy on behalf of the members involved in (given area of care)
(iv) Identification of areas in need of accredited CME/CPD programs related to (the given area of care)
(v) Serving as a resource for the Section of Teachers regarding core family medicine residency curriculum content.
2. (i) To be a resource to faculty, medical students and residents in (the given area of care),
(ii) To review and consider applications for activities related to the establishment of training/education programs and the assessment and recognition of family physicians with a special interest or focused practice in (the given area).
3. To ensure that all of the above are deliberated and recommendations made with consideration of the impacts on patients seeking comprehensive continuing care and the family physicians providing such.
4. To ensure ongoing communication and liaison with other relevant CFPC Programs and Committees appropriate to the issues being deliberated (e.g. Section of Teachers, Accreditation Committee, Board of Examiners, Health Policy, CME/CPD Committee, etc.)
5. To establish communications links between CFPC and its Chapters and among Chapters to ensure coordination, input and feedback regarding issues and activities related to (given area of special interest or focused practice).
6. To contribute to the planning of the Annual Scientific Assembly program at Family Medicine Forum for program content relevant to all members who include (given area) as part of their broad scope practices as well as those with special interests or focused practices in (given area).
7. To provide opportunities for participation and collaboration with other medical organizations whose members are involved in providing patient care, teaching, and research in the (the given area of care).
8. To participate in the CFPC review process of third party endorsement requests when they relate to (given area of special interest or focused practice).
(i) Special Interest or Focused Practice Program Committees will (a) report to the CFPC Executive and Board through the Section of Family Physicians with Special Interests or Focused Practices Council in relation to the governance, administration or management of the SIFP Program Committee and its Program and (b) submit proposals for policies / position statements related to health, health care and/or public policy, directly to the CFPC Executive Committee and Board for review and approval.
(ii) Special Interest or Focused Practice Program Committees that originated from CFPC Patient Care Committees with conjoint/collaborative membership and accountabilities to the CFPC and one or more other organizations may maintain these relationships as SIFP Program Committees (”grandparenting” provision). All Special Interest or Focused Practice Program Committees may however establish subcommittees or working groups that are conjoint or collaborative with a sister organization whose mandate, membership and practice focus link to or overlap with the Special Interest or Focused Practice Program. Bi or multi- lateral accountability for the subcommittee may be required, including the CFPC and one or more other organization(s). Such conjoint subcommittees or working groups must be approved by the Section of Family Physicians with Special Interests or Focused Practices Council and the CFPC Executive and Board.