How to Get Clear Skin
We all just love our skin, don’t we? After all, it’s the largest organ on our bodies and the thing that everyone sees just about every day. So why is it that some of us aren’t taking care of our skin? Skin, quite honestly, can be taken for granted. But it shouldn’t. We expose it to the elements all the time and it needs our regular attention!
Especially considering that many people have had bouts with acne, we should be reminded that keeping clear, clean skin requires effort. So here’s your reminder! Maintaining a daily skin care regimen can help you to avoid acne breakouts among other skin issues. It doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money either.
On, a number of simple tips are listed to help us all keep our skin clean and clear. With the summer season just around the corner, these tips should especially come in handy. It’s a season of more sweat and more exposure to the sun. So keeping your skin a top priority will be all the more important. Let’s take a look at that list while adding our own thoughts.
Wash your face at least twice each day, using a pure soap. Soaps such as Ivory are often highly recommended for clear skin. Be sure to use clean, hot water as well since it opens up your pores. Then, rinse with cold water to close the pores back up, protecting your skin from the elements.
Limit your use of cosmetics. Of course, us girls love nothing more than to get all dolled up before a night on the town. But don’t forget that makeup clogs your pores. Do your best to locate hypoallergenic products, says Those, along with “sensitive skin” products are the best. And be sure to wash it all off before going to sleep!
Keep your hair and hands off your face. Sometimes we simply forget about all of the products that we put into our hair. Well, they’re not made for our faces! They contain oils that can lead to acne breakouts. The website also recommends that you use applicators instead of your hands when putting on makeup. Use the “hands off” approach!
Hydrate the body – and the skin – with water. In last week’s blog, I discussed the importance of keeping yourself hydrated. Again, this is especially important during the warm months of summer. As points out, water helps to detoxify our bodies as well as our skin “ridding us of elements that make us ill, as well as elements that can cause acne.”
Be sure to check back for next week’s blog as we round out this list. And always keep in mind that if you are experiencing any skin conditions that may need more than everyday cleansing tips to remedy, get in contact with a skin care professional. Your skin is important to you. It’s time to give it the attention it deserves.