Trust Juvederm Fillers To Fill You In
Have you ever wanted to be more kissable? It may sound like a bizarre question, but I had to ask it following a conversation with a dear friend that I recently had. Having just come out of a relationship, my friend sadly listed the litany of reasons she felt it just didn’t work out. I was surprised to hear her “thin lips” as a potential reason that her former significant other lost interest. You can trust Juvederm Fillers to help you out with this problem.
I must admit that I’ve never heard of anyone leaving a relationship due to “unkissable” lips. What would be the point of even entering one with someone you feel has lips that are too thin? After inquiring further with a few other friends, I’ve come to learn that thin lips are actually a bigger concern than I had first assumed. I suppose it shouldn’t be all that surprising that being kissable is quite important in a relationship.
If you are concerned about having thin lips, there is a solution. Juvederm Fillers help to add fullness to lips in a very safe and natural way. The injections promote greater volume in the lips as well as other areas of the face. They make use of hyaluronic acid or HA, which is a naturally occurring sugar in the body. It is used to help maintain volume and moisture in the skin.
Some people, however – my friend included – have concerns about getting injections. Especially since the lips are a relatively sensitive area, it stands to reason that it may be uncomfortable or painful to get Juvederm Filler injections. Thankfully, on YouTube, Dr. Shervin Naderi helps to quell such a fear by demonstrating exactly how Juvederm filler injections are used to add volume to the lip area.
His demonstration showcases a patient lying calmly in a chair to receive the injections. Having just had an anesthetic solution applied to the lip area, the patient acknowledges that she can’t even feel the injections as they are being performed by the doctor. “It makes it easier on the patient, it makes it easier on the surgeon,” says the doctor, “If she was in pain, I would feel more rushed and I’d want to get it over with sooner for her. But when she’s numb, I can take my time.”
In taking his time, Dr. Naderi also demonstrates a short massaging technique that is used on the lip area to smoothen out the Juvederm Filler injections. This is done to ensure that there are no uneven spots or lumps following the treatment. He then goes back over the top lip to fill in a few more “zones” of the lip to get optimum results. The process is shown to not only be painless, but quick.
In addition, there is no visible bleeding or bruising, even though both may take place following a treatment. Making sure everything is “nice and symmetric” is also an important part of the procedure. Attaining a natural look is what the most experienced and knowledgeable doctors are able to achieve for their patients. If this is what you’re in the market for, consulting such a doctor should be on your list of to-do’s.