“CoolSculpting is just like the name implies,” explains Jessica Preciado, a spokeswoman for Zeltiq, the company behind the wondrous fat-freezing treatment, “It’s a technology that uses cold to target the fat cells and they are naturally removed from the body.” Preciado was speaking in a video, found on Yahoo.com, that explains the way in which this revolutionary procedure helps for people to contour their bodies.
“It’s all about removing stubborn fat,” I told my friend Denise, who before watching the video had no idea what CoolSculpting was. “When people diet and exercise, but still can’t find a way to get rid of their love handles, that’s when CoolSculpting is most helpful.” Denise, somehow, remained skeptical. The way she sees it, the concept of freezing presents quite a danger.
The video, however, explains that the concept of CoolSculpting comes as a result of realizing that fat cells freeze at a temperature different than other surrounding cells, including the skin. This allows for fat to be damaged, while the rest of the body goes unharmed. Marc Istook, who narrates the video, explains that the treatment “takes advantage of the fact that fat freezes at a higher temperature than other tissue.”
Dr. George Sazaki performs the procedure in the video. What he describes is pretty eye-opening. He notes that patients can actually have the treatment performed during their lunch breaks, since each session is only about an hour in length. In addition, because there is no downtime following a CoolSculpting treatment, a patient can resume regular activities right away.
They can even play tennis right after a session, mentions a straight-faced Dr. Sasaki. “It can’t be that simple,” exclaimed Denise upon viewing this part of the video. But it goes on to explain in greater detail exactly how CoolSculpting pulls off the miraculous results that have patients decreasing the appearance of fat in their midsections in such short periods of time.
Fat cells will begin to shrink and die over the course of the next several weeks and months, says the narrator. “The patient can expect to see up to 25% less fat in the targeted area and the size of the bulge determines how many treatments are needed,” he reports. Results, of course, are different for everyone. Having this pointed out is what began to turn Denise around.
“I hate when people offer up miracle cures that they claim can help everyone out in the same way. I’m glad that this video didn’t make CoolSculpting out to be some kind of miracle, but instead showed that, in some cases, it’s an ideal solution,” Denise concluded. It seems as if CoolSculpting is pretty cool after all. Apparently, it’s picking up steam (ironically) and is making its way into the mainstream.
For more information about CoolSculpting, be sure to contact an experienced physician and get the skinny on this very cool treatment!