Conveniently located to serve Kelowna, BC.
Treatment Options
Mole and Skin Tag Removal
We will remove unwanted skin lesions with usually little to no sign afterwards.
Conveniently located to serve Kelowna, BC.
We will remove unwanted skin lesions with usually little to no sign afterwards.
Just like skin, results may vary. These pictures (of our awesome, real-life clients!) help you see what is possible and set a realistic expectation.
We’d love to get to know you, learn more about your goals, and see what treatment options would suit you best.
Even supermodels are plagued by the freckle’s bigger and uglier cousin, the mole! They can’t be reasoned with and they can’t be bought off, once you have it, it’s yours for life. We do have many methods for removing these unwanted skin lesions with usually little to no sign afterwards. Dr. Crippen treats moles and skin tags on a regular basis so give us a call today to be free once again and feel more confident in your skin.
Moles and skin tags are growths that occur on the skin in a variety of colours. You can see some examples of the skin tags that we have treated in the before-after gallery above. They are often pink, tan or brown. Skin tags protrude from the skin which can cause a person to feel uncomfortable or self-conscious.
These spots occur when there is a growth of pigmented cells called melanocytes close to one another. They can either be a discoloured spot on the skin or can grow out into tags. Depending on the form this growth takes they are either called a mole, nevi or skin tag.
Moles, nevi and skin tags and skin cancer moles are relatively simple to remove for physicians with a lot of experience. The method used, however, depends on the location and type.
Moles can be removed using laser excision or surgical excision. We may choose to recommend one method or the other during your consultation, but regardless of the method, mole removal is a relatively simple outpatient procedure.
Skin tags are often removed with a laser that targets the water molecules in the skin tag base. Our lasers are specifically designed for this kind of close work, so a laser can often be used to remove only the skin that needs to be removed – minimizing healing times.
For areas that are just pigmented but not raised, a pigment-specific laser can be used to fade the pigment. Dr. Crippen can tell you which cosmetic skin procedure is best during the consultation.
Mole removal in Kelowna is a relatively fast and painless procedure that is performed using some of our most modern lasers or minor surgical methods. If you have been frustrated by moles and skin tags anywhere on your body, please contact us for a consultation. We can remove these spots completely with minimal trauma to the skin.
We will help you eliminate redness and blood vessels on your face or other body parts so that you can live more confidently with our VBeam laser.
The VBeam laser (also sometimes known as a vascular laser) is a pulsed dye laser. This means that the light energy is delivered in a series of pulses to reduce red marks and treat dilated blood vessels. The VBeam laser treatment works on multiple areas of the body and it is effective for many different skin conditions, both medical and cosmetic in nature.
This vascular laser specifically targets the blood vessels to damage them permanently so the body removes them over a few days to weeks with little to no peripheral damage.
PROCEDURE TIME: 15-30 minutes
RECOVERY TIME: 0-2 days usually
LASTS: Permanent, however new blood vessels usually grow back over time
TECHNIQUE: Laser treatment on surface of skin
PAIN LEVEL: Minimal to moderate depending on area and patient
RESULTS: In 1-5 days results are usually apparent
ANESTHESIA: Topical cream for some patients is recommended
WHY CHOOSE US?: Dr. Crippen is certified by the ABLS and ASLMS in laser procedures
We will remove moles or skin lesions to help your skin look its best and for you to feel confident in yourself.
Not all moles are the perfect size and location to qualify as a beauty mark like Cindy Crawford has enjoyed throughout her modeling career. Most are unwanted and in locations we would rather not have anything. How rude! We have multiple options to remove these pesky unwanted permanent visitors for good with little to no downtime at the hands of Dr. Crippen who has been removing skin lesions for almost two decades. Trust your skin and future confidence to someone who has the right training and experience.
How the Treatment Works
We usually anesthetize the area first and then proceed to gently remove the lesion with an ablative laser. The lesion is immediately gone and a dressing is applied to the treated area to speed and promote good healing.
Procedure Time: 15-30 minutes depending on the location and number of lesions
Recovery Time: None, skin will take a few weeks to heal
Lasts: Permanent, although deep lesions may recur over time
Technique: Laser skin excision
Pain Level: None with anesthesia
Results: Long-lasting
Anesthesia: Local anesthetic
Why Choose Us?
Our gentle ablative erbium laser is the perfect tool for this job. It removes just the amount of tissue required.
What Makes Us Different?
We have multiple laser devices to treat the skin, as each one is very specific for one job only.
We will help you get rid of these cysts and feel more confident in your skin.
Cysts are never pretty or desirable and they are impossible to remove on your own, however most of them can be treated with the right procedure. A little minor skin procedure and they should be gone forever. Get back your confidence and remove those annoying cysts forever.
We will help you eliminate redness and blood vessels on your face or other body parts so that you can live more confidently with our VBeam laser.
The VBeam laser (also sometimes known as a vascular laser) is a pulsed dye laser. This means that the light energy is delivered in a series of pulses to reduce red marks and treat dilated blood vessels. The VBeam laser treatment works on multiple areas of the body and it is effective for many different skin conditions both medical and cosmetic in nature.
This vascular laser targets the blood vessels specifically to damage them permanently so the body removes them over a few days to weeks with little to no peripheral damage.
Procedure Time: 15-30 minutes
Recovery Time: 0-2 days usually
Lasts: Permanent, however new blood vessels usually grow back over time
Technique: Laser treatment on surface of skin
Pain Level: Minimal to moderate depending on area and patient
Results: In 1-5 days results are usually apparent
Anesthesia: Topical cream for some patients is recommended
Why Choose Us?
Dr. Crippen is certified by the ABLS and ASLMS in laser procedures.
3477 Lakeshore Rd #200, Kelowna, BC V1W 0A7, Canada